Harry Potter Series
Well i cant thank enough Miss Jessy from my Air Force School who let me borrow this books,this books were one of the best fiction novels i have read,year 2004-2007. I 'm huge fan I had never heard of it earlier but saw it once in the library ,borrowed and was mesmerized and hooked .The book had me spellbound ,i read Chamber of Secrets first then Philosophers's stone followed by Prisoner of Azkaban....Thanks to my
Principal Mrs.Geetali mam ,she got the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in few days of release.
I read and re-read those novels . Fun part I even designed my own wand ,drew harry potter sketches,caste spells and tried to read my crush's mind.:) believe me i did .
Last one was ebook :/ But then again i read it from a hard copy.
I am huge fan of this series and i think there are thousands of reviews already available so adding one more is drop in sea ,this one is just my point of view.I grew up reading this stories. I have lived in world of Harry Potter,wizarding world ,dreaming,what not..It's been an awesome experience.
I recommend this for children and everyone.Worth reading.
Read Read.:)
1.Harry Potter and The Philosopher's Stone
Well everyone must have watched this movie already .So we all know most of the story But..
Here's the twist and advantage of reading if you read in climax ,there are some changes there...:)
If you wanna know...you gotta read it.... :)
2.Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets
This one here added up the magic and thrill...
The Parseltongue was wow..The Phoenix Bird..There are some differences here too . movie missed out S.P.E.W . !!?? read and know it...:D ..i wont give away..:)
3. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
It really gave me chills when i read about dementors.
Then the Late night Bus service.The court Trials,first visit to ministry of magic.Movies skipped some important events.
Read the book for the real story :)
then watch the movie to compare...
4. Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Many Parts of the story were skipped in movie ,Qudditch world cup had many changes in movies,the tri-wizard tournament too ..the maze ..ssshhhh :-X ...:)
If you want to really know the story that you missed in movies ..just read :)
5.Harry Potter and the Order Of the Phoenix
Book has many things that movies doesn't like ...how does Umbridge knows about the meeting at Hogsmead, many details have been skipped...Reading is the only way you get to know them..so read ;)
6.Harry Potter and the Half-blood Prince
Well i can say a lot of things start missing from the book in the movies...
Many characters are just skipped.
And not much description....
7.Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
This is one the best books..It had everything about the magic world coming together.All kinds of magical creatures coming to war,elves,centaurs..movie missed out many things.. :(
My personal recommendation of this series for your young siblings for developing good reading skills and moral values mixed with fantasy of magic.Awesome story writing style.
For those who have skipped the books and watched only movies.Friends read the books ,you have missed out many things if you are areal HP fan ...