Tuesday, May 22, 2018

I have a Dream

I have a Dream 

-Rashmi Bansal 

So here's s something new from Rashmi Bansal. I like Rashmi's concept of highlighting case studies of startups, companies, people . She does it in very playful way , like a story mode, It doesn't feel like you are reading some long and extensive business case study . 

I have previously read and reviewed Rashmi's book , "Stay hungry Stay foolish" . 

This book Is all about Social Entrepreneurship . Believe it or not there are people in India who work not of profit making or self motives but for others. They have made it mission of their lives to make society better, improve the lives of unprivileged, underprivileged. They are using creative concepts and ideas to achieve this. 
Rashmi has selected good examples , all different , unique in their nature, approach, strategy but with one Aim, to make It all better. 

She has divided the book In various sections:  Rainmakers, Changemakers, The Spritual Capitalist

Let me try and explain the above : 
Rainmaker: This are those people and/or organizations that work on some business service, model, product manufacturing. The motive is not for profiteer or profit-making but to generate profits and give it back to less privileged. This helps the people to maintain their dignity , they work hard to archive this profit/income. The motive of this to uplift their lives so that they do dignified work, and earn their bread with their hard work. 

Changemakers: This are those people who had an idea, formulated it and made the change happen. It's not easy, they put their efforts, saw the downfall but never lost hope in their cause. Some started micro-funding without any guarantee against it , just the trust. And it has paid off. Then other started teaching voluntarily and also encouraged her friends to teach , it started a movement and it's been working in whole country . 
It also covers Right To Information(RTI) act , people who made it possible for us to question government and have assurance of a reply in given time . RTI has been one of the most instrumental inclusion in India Government laws . People are getting their queries resolved at faster pace. Ask the proper questions to proper people concerned. It is significant change. 

Spiritual Captalist: These are those people who had that spiritual enlightenment . They got their push through Dharma, good deeds . Akshay Patra is one such example. Imagine feeding thousands of people everyday , with proper food management, people management and time management. Doing ti everyday all on donation money!. Akshay Patra is dong this ever since the inception. Who says religion is only prayers and rituals. It's also a social effort, community a medium that brings people together . 
One just changed the concept of Ashrams. The ashrams is home to unprivileged girls all over . It provides for their residential, education, food  needs . The students here are being taught to be the better people in the , academically,morally & financially.

I recommend this book for all . This book drives that feeling of doing good and giving back to the society. 
There are lot of innovative ways to do it. Who says NGO run, operate  all Donations only. !! 

The Dreamer's Dictionary

The Dreamer's Dictionary

Understanding the deeper meaning of your dreams

-Stearn Robinson and Tom Corbett

I read a variety of books. I wander in lot of locations, to search for books . One of the best affordable book locations are the old book resellers,old book exhibitions. 
I found this book is such an exhibition . I always wondered what my dreams mean. 
We all have heard stories of good dreams, bad dreams. We have experienced ourselves too . The feeling emotions and sometimes life experience after such occurrence. 
Dream interpretation can sound like something rubbish , or hocus-pocus kinda stuff but in real it's just a case study or account of or aggregation of experiences by various people on similar dreams. There's no proof, there are no facts , there's no science. It's just what you believe.  and I BELIEVE . 

This is no much of a book review but an insight in this type of books . What you expect , type of explanation etc. 

Let me give dreams's explanation for : 
What does Dreaming of  Flying means!?

Flying : This is one dream symbol on which practically every source from artemidorus on down agrees. It represents dreamer's basic ambition. , but the interpretation of flying (like a bird) is modified by the details of the flight and its conditions. So the surrounding , weather etc .. must be correlated with the action , but as a general guide. 
If you successfully maintained your flight , at a low to medium height, you can expect to achieve your goal without much difficulty . 
If you were trying (or straining) to reach a high altitude , the dream is telling you that your grasp is greater than you reach and you would be wise to alter your course. 

What does Screaming in Dream means ?
Screams: A sort of contrary in that to hear the screams of others signifies that you are likely to hear distressing news;however , to dream of screaming yourself is considered a fortunate omen for all that concerns you closely. 

What does Fighting in Dream means?
Fight : The basic meaning in a dream of Fighting is change . For a business person it signifies a change of enterprise; for an employed person change of job. The degree of success or failure you may expect from the change was forecast in the outcome of your dreamed fight . If your dream concerned other fighting , it is warning against waste of time and money in idle pleasure. 

So this book is dreamer's dictionary .I gave some examples of it . 

If you want to know what your dream means , Comment and i will write down it too you in reply . 

Storm the Norm

Storm the Norm

-Anisha Motwani

This book is one of the finest case studies kind of book . The author has explore on the success stories of 20 Brands that you see everyday , know them but never have given thought . How did they become part of your lives!? Brands like Tata tea , Makemytrip , Sensodyne. Cadbury , Kurkure,Sprite..and lot's more , If i tell all you won't read it.
Let me give you an insight to this book , 
What does "Sprite" reminds you !   by tv commercial you immediately get the word "Clear he.." or "Seedhi baat no bakwaas" . Sprite has drafted it's advertisement as such that it relates to youth. Straightforward approach , that striking attitude, clear thought. The adds keep you involved and related. The Author has given that observation for Sprite which makes you wonder , how a normal lime aerated water can be symbol of youth . 
Take another brand "Tata Tea" what does it remind you !.. right now in your head it's "Jaagooo Reyyy " . See the beauty of it, the two words are intertwined with each other. Tea is most consumed drink in India. It's a symbol ,it's a gesture, it's an offering, it's also medium for those unsaid hospitality norms. We all love the tea(chai). We offer it as honest gesture to guests ,recently it's also related to bribe someone(chai-pani).Now imagine this product along with a revolution, revolutionary idea,excitement. "Tata tea" comes with confidence from trusted name like Tata and then it's a Tea. Perfect combination to build that trust. The tv commercials, i guess every Indian television viewer must have seen this commercial or advertisement once. The words and the content in commercial that it gives you that empowering feeling. Author has given prefect outline of the Tata tea brand. 
Then there is Idea, Sensodyne and soo onnn. 

Just go ahead and read. It's a good book . 

This book is a must recommend to new entrepreneurs to understand how brand building works. 
This book is must recommend for marketing managers, brand managers, media persons , advertisement developers.